Linda and I are grinning ear to ear due to the two new additions to our family!
Kaiya Isabella Jackier, born on February 18, 2009 to Tracey. 6 lbs. 6 oz. of healthy, happy baby!

After Kaiya's birth, Tracey wrote us the following letter.
Hi everyone,
We are ecstatic! Kaiya was born this morning at 9:56am. She weighed 6lbs, 6oz. She is in perfect health and latched immediately for 20 minutes. When she was finished, she did a full push up (seriously!) and pushed herself up on her mom's chest. She sleeps well, feeds well, and calms easily. We couldn't have been more blessed! Thank you all for your love, support and encouragement. Tracey was a champ during the caesarian and is doing well.
Hannah Sophie Glazer, born on February 25, 2009 to Lisa. 6 lb. 3 oz. of pure love!
Following is an email Linda sent out after participating in the birth of Hannah.
Dear Friends and Family,
Just wanted to share our newest of the two granddaughters, Hannah Sophia, 6 lbs. 3 oz, 19 1/2", born at 10:04 am on February 25, 2009.
Three days before the scheduled c-section, Lisa asked me to, be with her in the operating room. We arrived early morning yesterday; she was prepped, and just like in the movies, I suited up in one of those androgynous jump suits, mask and booties. The nurses were wonderful, as was the doctor, describing everything that was happening while we were behind a blue sterile curtain.
"Get ready", they said, and wheeled a mirror up so Lisa could see. My cameras ready, they told me," MOM (meaning me!), you can stand up and take pictures". A little shaken, I stood up, quickly snapped a few photos of them pulling out the baby. Tears were streaming as I watched in total disbelief the wonderment of the birth. Within minutes, I was holding her, and then with my wits back, I began shooting madly...
How lucky I am to have witnessed such a miracle, and am still standing to tell the story! We are so blessed!
"Get ready", they said, and wheeled a mirror up so Lisa could see. My cameras ready, they told me," MOM (meaning me!), you can stand up and take pictures". A little shaken, I stood up, quickly snapped a few photos of them pulling out the baby. Tears were streaming as I watched in total disbelief the wonderment of the birth. Within minutes, I was holding her, and then with my wits back, I began shooting madly...
How lucky I am to have witnessed such a miracle, and am still standing to tell the story! We are so blessed!
Linda, aka Nannie
Check out http://www.flickr.com/photos/26103653@N07/sets/ for more photos of the two girls (not to mention a few pictures of Lilah, granddaughter #1 and Lisa and Tracey)!
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