Due to underwhelming lack of comments to my last few blogs, I have decided to punish you two readers by posting another mindless blog, full of untalented writing and abysmal photographs. Serves you right!
While cruising one of the main streets, Canal, yesterday, I saw a dinosaur statue perched in a pickup truck. It was not the first time I had seen the dinosaur, but it was the first time I stopped to find out what it was doing there. First of all, it was for sale. Note the "Se Vende" sign on it, which means "For Sale". Second it was in a truck, indicating that it was destined to go somewhere. Finally, it was in front of a store with a collection of equally tacky sculptures on a second floor balcony.
My guess is that none of these are big sellers. The dinosaur, by the way, was priced at 6500 pesos, about $600. At that price, delivery and installation are included. I did not attempt to negotiate the price down; however, I would be happy to do so on your behalf. Please contact me privately.
Mexico is full of such shops. Places offering products that are difficult to imagine ever selling. Usually the shops are dusty, small and unattractive, with friendly, but disinterested salespeople. Are they drug fronts? If so, why do I never see drugs for sale? I'll leave that question unanswered for another exciting blog.
On to another topic. La Jefa (literally "The Boss"; more accurately "She Who Must Be Obeyed" decided that Bella (our dog) needed a playmate. I demurred, saying that one dog was enough (more than enough
, in Bella's case). However, I gave in an inch...my mistake. I said that we could have a foster dog for the next few weeks. Geegee moved in seconds later. A small, sweet bold street dog, she moves fast as lightning, especially when in the neighborhood of food (and that includes many things not normally listed in the food column).
Geegee is fighting Bella for Top Dog category. She is faster and smarter than Bella, though lighter and half Bella's size. This afternoon, Bella's boyfriend, Dennis, came over to visit. The three dogs ran back and forth, challenged one another for disgusting dog toys, and generally ran riot in the house. No blood was shed. However, every orifice was sniffed and explored.
On another topic, progress has been rapid on our rooftop studio. See pictures below, which show the framework of the studio and one wall. Final dimensions will be about 15 x 25, and should provide room for a printing press for Linda and storage for lots of good junk. We will also put in a half bath, in case of future use as a bedroom. Donations will be gladly accepted.

1 comment:
I saw such a "metal musician" three months ago, but a few miles to the north: In Mesilla, a small town near Las Cruces, NM. On flickr you can see a photo of it. :-)
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