Dear Friends and Family,
As we near yearend, it is a time for contemplation. Life is a rollercoaster, filled with both good and bad times, and we certainly have had our share of both this year. But overall, we have to remind ourselves how fortunate we are.
We spent a considerable amount of time this past year in San Miguel de Allende, our home away from home. Rereading our San Miguel News is reliving a year filled with new friendships, house renovations, art and photography, friends and family from Michigan coming to visit, lots of good food, music, lectures, concerts, markets, cooking classes and more.... We were lucky to have our car this year to begin exploring other parts of Mexico. We traveled to Patzcuaro, Morelia and Uruapan, for a giant art and craft fair during Holy Week, to Mexico City, to Tlaquepaque and to Puerto Vallarta, not to mention lots of day trips to nearby towns and villages.
Driving back to Michigan from Mexico, we drove through Savannah, where Linda taught a workshop at the Ford Plantation. In May, she spent the month in China, participating in the first Inernational Print Exhibition, creating art at the Jingzdezhen Ceramic Institute, eating exotic foods, visiting museums and art sites in China (while Carlos kept things going back home) and also had exhibitions in San Miguel, the Joyce Goldstein Gallery in Chatham, NY and the Water Street Gallery in Sagatuck, MI. It was a very art-filled year for her!
Carlos started a new business, brokering mortgages in Mexico (www.vacation-finance.com), and is meeting with some success. The housing market in Mexico is tough right now, due to overbuilding and fallout from the US market. He is active with Shalom SMA, the Jewish group here, and continues to lead services and take a leadership role in its organization. He also bought a new motorcycle - a bright yellow Honda (see previous blogs) - and he loves to ride around town and explore the countryside around San Miguel. People shout “Superman” when he rides by - amazing how many people know him! (In Spanish, Soberman comes out as Superman, more or less).
Our children are well, employed and making their lives interesting and unique. Lisa has a new job as the interim director of the ZOA, and her husband Mendy has a successful career in information technology. Our precious granddaughter Lilah continues to amaze us with her adorable personality, dance techniques and good disposition. Of course, she is beautiful and brilliant (are we not proud?) Did you notice her on our vintage 1936 New Year's card? Tracey is living in Boulder and has a promising new job at a PR agency. David also has a new job working for a research firm (www.guidepointglobal.com) and has a terrific serious girlfriend, Jen Seader, whom we just adore.
I echo the words of my friend, Judy, who wrote," As one year is drawing to a close and another about to begin, we are thinking of all of you...the friendships we treasure, but too often might seem taken for granted. Well, it isn't! Think of all the wonderful connections we have in our lives as we ring in 2008".
Feliz Ano Nuevo and best wishes for a wonderful 2008.

Linda &
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